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Organ Repertory
In the tradition of P. D. Q. Bach
Bach, P. D. Q. (attributed) Toscana et Furia PDQ-WV 565
Harpsichord Works
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714 - 1788) Sammlungen für Kenner und Liebhaber
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714 - 1788) Harpsichord Works
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) Harpsichord Works
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann (1710 - 1784) Harpsichord Works
Böhm, Georg (1661 - 1733) Harpsichord Works
Bull, Doctor John (1562 or 1563 - 1628) Harpsichord Works
Buxtehude, Dietrich (1637 - 1707) Harpsichord Works
Byrd, William (ca. 1543 - 1623) Harpsichord Works
Caccini, Giulio (1551 - 1618) Arrangements
Dowland, John (1563 - 1626) Harpsichord Arrangements
Farnaby, Giles (ca. 1563 - 1640)
Froberger, Johann Jacob (1616 - 1667) Harpsichord Works
Gibbons, Orlando (1583 - 1625) Harpsichord Works
Kuhnau, Johann (1660 - 1722) Biblische Sonaten
Kuhnau, Johann (1660 - 1722) Frische Clavier Früchte
Lübeck, Vincent (1654 - 1740) Harpsichord Works
Morley, Thomas (ca. 1557 - 1602)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756 - 1791) Harpsichord Works
Philips, Peter (ca. 1560 - 1628) Harpsichord Works
Reincken, Jan Adam (1623 - 1722) Harpsichord Works
Scheidemann, Heinrich (ca. 1596 - 1663) Harpsichord Works
Schildt, Melchior (ca. 1592 - 1687) Harpsichord Works
Tomkins, Thomas (1572 - 1656) Harpsichord Works
Wanhal [Vanhal] Johann Baptist (1739 - 1813)
J. S. Bach goes Cavaillée-Coll
Bach goes Cavaillé-Coll: An experiment with BWV 543
Buchner, Hans (1483 - 1538)
Buxheimer Orgelbuch
Cabezón - de Cabezón, Juan (1510 - 1566)
Haßler, Hans Leo (1564 - 1612)
Hofhaimer, Paul (1459 - 1537)
Isaac, Heinrich (ca. 1450 - 1517)
Kleber, Leonhard (ca. 1495 - 1556)
Kotter, Hans (1480 - 1541)
Lasso - di Lasso, Orlando (1532 - 1594)
Peraza - de Peraza, Francisco (1564 - 1584)
Schlick, Arnolt (ca. 1480 - 1521)
Baroque Danmark
Lorentz, Johann (ca. 1610 - 1689)
Baroque France
Boyvin. Jacques (ca. 1653 - 1706)
Clerambault, Louis Nicolas (1676 - 1749)
Corrette, Gaspard (1671 - ca. 1732)
Corrette, Michel (1707 - 1795)
Couperin, Francois (1688 - 1733)
Dandrieu, Jean Francois (ca. 1682 - 1738)
Daquin, Louis Claude (1694 - 1772)
Grigny - de Grigny, Nicolas (1672 - 1703) Premier Livre d'Orgue
Mage - du Mage, Pierre (1674 - 1751) Premier Livre d'Orgue
Guilain (Freinsberg), Jean Adam Guillaume (ca. 1680 - ca. 1739) Pièces d'Orgue pou Magnificat
Lebègue (Le Bègue), Nicolas Antoine (1631 - 1702)
Marchand, Louis (1669 - 1732) Premier Livre d'Orgue
Raison, André (ca. 1640 - 1719)
Baroque North Germany
Abel (Aebel; Ebel), David (ca. 1565 - 1619)
Anonymi (Baroque North Germany)
Anonymi Husumer Orgelbuch (1758)
Böhm, Georg (1661 - 1733) Organ Works
Bruhns, Nicolaus (1665 - 1697)
Brunckhorst, Arnold Matthias (1670 - 1725)
Buxtehude, Dietrich (1637 - 1707) Free Organ Works
Buxtehude, Dietrich (1637 - 1707) Chorale Preludes
Druckenmüller, Christoph Wolfgang (1687 - 1741)
Erich, Daniel (1649 - 1712)
Hanff, Johann Nicolaus (1665 - 1711/1712)
Hasse, Nicolaus (ca. 1617 - 1672)
Hasse, Petrus (ca. 1585 - 1640)
Karges, Wilhelm (ca. 1613 - 1699)
Kneller, Andreas (1649 - 1724)
Leyding, Georg Dietrich (1664 - 1710)
Lübeck, Vincent (1654 - 1740) Organ Works
Neunhaber, Andreas (1603 - 1663)
Praetorius, Hieronymus (1560 - 1629)
Praetorius, Jacob (1580 - 1651)
Reincken, Jan Adam (1623 - 1722) Organ Works
Ritter, Christian (ca. 1645 - ca. 1745)
Saxer, Georg Wilhelm Dietrich (ca. 1680 - 1740)
Scheidemann, Heinrich (ca. 1595 - 1663) Free Organ Works
Scheidemann, Heinrich (ca. 15659 - 1663) Chorale Preludes & Arrangements
Scheidt, Samuel (1587 - 1654)
Schildt, Melchior (ca. 1592 - 1667) Organ Works
Strungk, Delphin (1601 - 1694)
Telemann, Georg Philipp (1680 - 1767) Organ Arrangements
Tunder, Franz (1614 - 1667)
Weckmann, Matthias (1621 - 1674)
Baroque Central Germany
Agricola, Johann Friedrich (1720 - 1774)
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714 - 1788) Organ Works
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) Free Organ Works
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) Clavier-Uebung. Dritter Theil
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) 18 Leipziger Choräle
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) Schübler-Choräle
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) Choral-Partiten
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) Chorale Preludes
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) Kirnberger-Sammlung
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750) Orgelbüchlein
Bach, Wilhelm Friedemann (1710 - 1784) Organ Works
Buttstett (Buttstedt), Johann Heinrich (1666 - 1727)
Händel, Georg Friedrich (1685 - 1759) Operas & Oratorios arranged
Händel, Georg Friedrich (1685 - 1759) Organ Concertos arranged
Krebs, Johann Ludwig (1713 - 1780)
Müthel, Johann Gottfried (1728 - 1788)
Oley, Johann Christoph (1738 - 1789)
Walther, Johann Gottfried (1684 - 1748) Free Organ Works
Walther, Johann Gottfried (1694 - 1748) Chorale Preludes
Baroque Southern Germany / Austria
Eberlin, Johann Ernst (1702 - 1762)
Erbach, Christian (ca. 1570 - 1635)
Froberger, Johann Jacob (1616 - 1667) Organ Works
Kerll - von Kerll, Johann Caspar (1627 - 1693))
Meck, Joseph (Giuseppe) (1690 - 1758) Organ Arrangements
Muffat, Georg (1653 - 1704) Apparatus Musico Organisticus
Pachelbel, Johann (1653 - 1706) Free Organ Works
Pachelbel, Johann (1653 - 1706) Chorale Preludes
Pachelbel, Johann (1653 - 1706) Hexachordum Apollinis
Seeger, Joseph Ferdinand Norbert (1716 - 1782):
Strungk, Nicolaus Adam (1640 - 1700)
Baroque Great Britain
Boyce, William (1711 - 1779)
Byrd, William (ca. 1543 - 1623) Organ Works
Dowland, John (1563 - 1626) Organ Arrangements
Gibbons, Orlando (1583 - 1625) Organ Works
Parsons, Robert (ca. 1535 - 1572:
Philips, Peter (ca. 1560 - 1628) Organ Arrangements
Stanley, John (1712 - 1786)
Tomkins, Thomas (1572 - 1656) Organ Works
Baroque Italy
Albinoni, Tomaso (1671 - 1751) Organ Arrangements
Antegnati, Costanzo (1549 - 1624)
Bassano, Giovanni (ca. 1551 - 1617) Arrangements
Cima, Giovanni Paolo (ca. 1570 - 1630)
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583 - 1643) Canzoni alla francese (1645)
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583 - 1643) Capricci, Canzoni, Recercari (1626)
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583 - 1643) Fiori Musicali
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583 - 1643) Il primo Libro di Toccate (1637)
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583 - 1643) Il secondo Libro di Toccate (1637)
Gabrieli, Giovanni (ca. 1554 - 1612)
Galuppi, Baldassare (1708 - 1785)
Mayone, Ascanio (ca. 1570 - 1627)
Merulo, Claudio (1533 - 1604)
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista (1710 - 1736)
Rossi, Michelangelo (ca. 1601 - 1656)
Salvatore, Giovanni (1611 - ca. 1688)
Taglietti, Giulio (1660 - 1718) Organ Arrangements
Torelli, Giuseppe (1658 - 1709) Organ Arrangements
Trabaci, Giovanni Mariai (ca. 1575 - 1647)
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678 -1741) Organ Arrangements
Baroque Portugal / Spain
Anonymi (Baroque Spain / Portugal)
Araujo - de Araújo, Pedro (ca. 1640 - 1705)
Arauxo - de Arauxo, Francisco Correa (1584 - 1654)
Bruna, Pablo (1611 -1679)
Cabanilles, Juan (1644 - 1712)
Durón, Sebastián (+ ca. 1716)
Heredia - de Heredia, Sebastián Aguilera (1561 - 1627)
Nebra - de Nebra, José (1702 - 1768)
Oxinaga - da Oxinaga, Joaquin (1719 - 1789)
Ximénez (Jiménez), José (1601 - 1672)
Baroque Sverige
Düben, Andreas (ca. 1597 - 1662)
Baroque The Netherlands
Kerckhoven - van den Kerckhoven, Abraham (1627 - 1702)
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon (1562 - 1621)
Classicism France
Beauvarlet-Charpentier, Jean Jacques (1734 - 1794)
Benoist, Francois (1794 -1878)
Boely, Alexandre Pierre Francois (1785 - 1858) Grandes Pieces pour Orgue Op. 18 & Op. 38
Boely, Alexandre Pierre Francois (1785 - 1858) Smaller Organ Pieces
Chauvet, Charles Alexis (1837 - 1871)
Fessy, Charles-Alexandre (1804 - 1856)
Gueit, Marius André (1808 - 1862)
Lasceux, Guillaume (1740 - 1831) Essai théorique et pratique (1809)
Lefebure (Lefébure-Wély), Isaac Francois (1758 - 1831)
Classicism Germany / Austria
Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg (1736 - 1809)
Beethoven - van Beethoven, Ludwig (1770 - 1827) Arrangements
Fischer, Michael Gotthard (1773 - 1829)
Haydn, Joseph (1732 - 1809) Organ Works
Haydn, Joseph (1732 – 1809) Arrangements
Hoepner, Christian Gottlob (1799 - 1859)
Kittel, Johann Christian Leberecht (1732 - 1809) Sechzehn (+ drei) große Praeludien
Kittel, Johann Christian Leberecht (1732 - 1809) Chorale Preludes
Knecht, Justin Heinrich (1752 - 1817) Tongemälde Auferstehung & Hirtenwonne / Donnerwetter
Knecht, Justin Heinrich (1752 - 1817) Organ Works
Loewe, Johann Carl Gottfried (1796 - 1869)
Neukomm - von Neukomm, Chevalier Sigismond (1778 - 1858) 25 Grandes Études pour Orgue
Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich (1770 - 1846) Fünfzehn Nachspiele mit abwechselnden Manualen
Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich (1770 - 1846) Fümfzehn fugirte Nachspiele mit abwechselnden Manualen
Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich (1770 - 1846) Diverse große Orgelstücke
Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich (1770 - 1846) Große Praeludien und Fugen
Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich (1770 - 1846) Praeludien
Schneider, Johann (1702 - 1788)
Classicism Great Britain
Dupuis, Thomas Sanders (1733 - 1796)
Russel, William (1777 - 1813) Twelve Voluntaries (1804)
Russel, William (1777 - 1813) Twelve Voluntaries (1812)
Wesley, Samuel (1766 - 1837)
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (1810 - 1876)
Classicism Italy
Padre Davide - da Bergamo, Padre Davide (1791 - 1863)
Gherardeschi, Giuseppe (1759 - 1815)
Morandi, Giovanni (1777 - 1856)
Valeri, Gaetano (1760 - 1822) XII Sonate per Organo. Opera Prima (1785)
Classicism Portugal / Spain
Lidón, José (1748 - 1827)
Piedade - da Piedade, Soror (? - ?)
Soler, Padre Antonio (1729 - 1783)
Sousa Carvalho - de Sousa Carvalho, Joao (1745 - 1799)
Viola i Valenti, Anselm (1738 - 1798)
Romantic Belgium
Callaerts, Joseph (1830 - 1901)
Lemmens, Jacques Nicolas (1823 - 1881)
Mailly, Alphonse (1833 - 1918)
Romantic France
Batiste, Antoine Eduard (1820 - 1876)
Berlioz, Héctor (1803 - 1869) Arrangements
Boellman, Léon (1862 - 1897) Douze Pièces pour Orgue Op. 16
Chopin, Frédéric (1810 - 1849) Arrangements
Dubois, Francois Clément Théodore (1837 - 1924) Douze Pièces pour Orgue
Dubois, Francois Clément Théodore (1837 - 1924) Douze Pièces Nouvelles pour Orgue
Dubois, Francois Clément Théodore (1837 - 1924) Messe de Mariage
Dubois, Francois Clément Théodore (1837 - 1924) Differents Pièces pour Orgue
Fleuret, Eugène Albin Daniel (1869 - 1915)
Franck, César Auguste Jean Guilaume Hubert (1822 - 1890) Differents Pièces pour Orgue
Franck, César Auguste Jean Guilaume Hubert (1822 - 1890) L'Organiste, et 2.etLivre
Gigout, Eugène (1844 - 1925) Dix Pièces pour Orgue
Gigout, Eugène (1844 - 1925) Six Pièces d'Orgue ... and more
Grison, Jean Baptiste Jules (1842 - 1696)
Guilmant, Félix Alexandre (1837 - 1911) Sonates, Pièces d'Orgue
Guilmant, Félix Alexandre (1837 - 1911) Pièces d'Orgue dans différents Styles
Guilmant, Félix Alexandre (1837 - 1911) L'Organiste Pratique
Guilmant, Félix Alexandre (1837 - 1911) Noels Op. 60
Kriéger, Georges (1885 - 1914)
Lefébure-Wély, Louis James Alfred (1817 - 1869) L'Organiste Moderne & Meditationes Religiosas
Lefébure-Wély, Louis James Alfred (1817 - 1869) Six Grandss Offeroires Op. 35
Lefébure-Wély, Louis James Alfred (1817 - 1869) Morceaux de Salon
Lemaigre, Edmond (1849 - 1890) Douze Pièces pour Orgue
Lemaigre, Edmond (1849 - 1890) Nouvelles Pièces pour Orgue ... and more
Loret, Clément (1833 - 1909) Pièces pour Orgue
Loret, Clément (1833 - 1909) Pièces de Salon
Mac-Master, Georges (1862 - 1898)
Meyerbeer Giacomo (1791 - 1864) Arrangements
Mulet, Henry (1878 - 1967) Esquisses Byzantines (complete)
Renaud, Albert (1855 - 1924)
Reuchsel, Amédée (1875 - 1931)
Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre (1853 - 1904)
Saint-Saens, Charles Camille (1835 - 1921) Organ Works
Saint-Saens, Charles Camille (1835 – 1921) Arrangements
Salomé, Théodore César (1834 - 1896) Dix Pièces pour Orgue, Volume
Salomé, Théodore César (1834 - 1896) Dix Pièces pour Orgue, 2.e Volume
Salomé, Théodore César (1834 - 1896) Op. 48 Dix Pièces pour Orgue
Salomé, Théodore César (1834 - 1896) Op. 59 Douze Pièces Nouvelles pour Orgue
Salomé, Théodore César (1834 - 1896) Sonate, Trois Canons, Pièces pour Orgue
Widor, Charles Marie Jean Albert (1844 - 1937) Symphonies
Widor, Charles Marie Jean Albert (1844 - 1937) Bachs Memento
Romantic Germany / Austria
Becker, Albert (1834 - 1899)
Brandt, Gustav August (1825 - 1877)
Brosig, Moritz (1815 - 1887) Recital Pieces, Chorale Preludes
Brosig, Moritz (1815 - 1887) Praeludien und Fugen ... and more
Dienel, Otto (1839 - 1905)
Hesse, Adolph Friedrich (1809 -1863)
de Lange, Samuel jr. (1840 - 1911)
Lewandowski, Louis (1821 - 1894)
Liszt, Franz (1811 - 1888)
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Jakob Ludwig Felix (1809 - 1847) Organ Works
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Jakob Ludwig Felix (1809 – 1847) Arrangements
Merkel, Gustav Adolf (1827 - 1885)
Pitsch, Karel Frantisek (1786 - 1858)
Reger, Max (1873 - 1916)
Rheinberger, Joseph Gabriel (1839 - 1901)
Ritter, August Gottfried (1811 - 1885)
Rust, Wilhelm (1822 - 1892)
Schütze, Friedrich Wilhelm (1807 - 1888)
Skop, Václav Felix (1848 - 1932)
Spohr, Louis (1784 - 1859) Arrangements
Succo, Reinhold (1837 - 1897)
von Suppé, Franz (1819 - 1895)
Töpfer, Johann Gottlob (1791 - 1870) Free Organ Works
Töpfer, Johann Gottlob (1791 - 1870) Choralstudien
Eyken - van Eyken, Jan Albert 1822 - 1868)
Wagner, Wilhelm Richard (1813 - 1883) Arrangements
Weber - von Weber, Carl Maria Friedrich Ernst (1786 - 1828) Arrangements
Romantic Great Britain
Archer, Frederic (1838 - 1901)
Ascher, Joseph (1829 - 1868) Arrangements
Bart, The Rev. Sir Fred. Gore Ouseley (1825 - 1889)
Benedict, Sir Julius (1804 - 1885) Arrangements
Bervon, Inglis (1838 - 1890)
Best, William Thomas (1826 - 1897) Organ Works
Best, William Thomas (1826 - 1897) Arrangements
Brewer, Alfred Herbert (1865 - 1923)
Calkin, John Baptist (1827 - 1905)
Clark, Frederick Scotson (1840 - 1883)
Clarke, Hamilton (1840 - 1912)
Corbett, Felix (1861 - 1940)
Driffield, Edward Townsend (1851 - 1925)
Dyer, Arthur E. (? - ?)
Evans, Edwin (1844 - 1923)
Evry - d'Evry, Edouard (1869 - 1950)
Faulkes, William (1863 - 1933)
Fricker, Herbert Austin (1868 - 1943)
Hainsworth, Rob (? - ?)
Harris, Cuthbert (1870 - 1932)
Heap, Charles Swinnerton (1847 - 1900)
Hemingway, D. (? - ?)
Hollins, Alfred (1865 - 1942)
Johnson, Bernard (1868 - 1935)
Kitchener, Frederick (1878 - 1952)
Silas, Edouard (1827 - 1909)
Smart, Henry Thomas (1819 - 1879)
Speer, Charlton Templeman (1859 - 1921)
Stewart, Sir Robert Prescott (1825 - 1894)
Sturges, Edward John (1846 - 1918)
Tours, Berthold (1838 - 1897)
Tozer, Ferris (1858 - 1943)
West, John Ebenezer (1863 - 1929)
Wolstenholme, William (1865 - 1931)
Romantic Italy
Bodro Carlo (ca. 1840 - ca. 1900)
Braga, Gaetano (1829 - 1907)
Capocci, Filippo (1840 - 1911)
Diana, Antonio (Pseudonym, Milano 1862) alias Giuseppe Verdi (?). Raccolta di Composizioni per Organo d'ogni Genere
Fumagalli, Carlo (1822 - 1907) Traviata del celebre Verdi
Fumagalli, Polibio (1830 - 1900)
Galletti, Marco (1914 - ca. 1935)
Pagani, Francesco (ca. 1850 - ca. 1884)
Petrali, Vincenzo Antonio (1830 - 1889) Messa Solenne
Petrali, Vincenzo Antonio (1830 - 1889) Organ Works
Puccini, Giacomo (1858 - 1924)
Rossini, Antonio (+ 1880) Marcie per Organo
Rossini, Gioachino Antonio (1792 - 1868) Arrangements
Sperati, Paolo (1821 - 1884)
Verdi, Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco (1813 - 1901) Arrangements
Romantic Norway
Bergh, Leif (1890 - 1931)
Cappelen, Christian (1845 - 1916)
Steenberg, Per (1870 - 1947)
Romantic Kanton Toggenburg (CH)
Notenbüchlein der Elsbeth Forrer 1855
Notenbüchlein der A. Katharina Winteler 1851
Romantik USA / Canada
Arndt, Felix (1889 -1918)
Buck, Dudley (1839 - 1909)
Demarest, Clifford (1874 - 1946)
Dunham, Henry Morton (1853 - 1929)
Federlein, Gottfried Harrison (1883 - 1952)
Flagler - van Vleck Flagler, Isaac (1844 - 1909)
Harker, Frederick Flexington (1876 - 1936)
Harriss, Charles Albert Edwin (1862 - 1929)
Idle, Frank (+ 1944)
Johnston, Edward F. (1879 - 1919)
Kinder, Ralph (1876 - 1952)
Lagarde, G. F. Alice (? - ?)
Lawrence, Frederick Locke (1869 - 1945)
Macfarlane, Will C. (1870 - 1945)
Maitland, Rollo F. (1884 - 1953)
Noble, Thomas Tertius (1867 - 1953)
Parker, Horatio (1863 - 1919)
Rogers, James Hotchkiss (1857 - 1940)
Shelley, Harry Rowe (1858 - 1947)
Stoughton, Roy Spaulding (1884 - 1953)
Thayer, Eugene (1838 - 1889)
West, John A. (1853 - 1913):
Wheeldon, Herbert Arthur (1864 - 1923)
Wilkins, Hervey Dwight (1843 - 1913)
Yon, Pietro Alessandro (1886 - 1943)
Syré, Wolfram (* 1950) Organ Works
Syré, Wolfram (* 1950) Original Compositions
Syré, Wolfram (* 1950) Arrangements & Paraphrases
Syré, Wolfram Recitals
Syré, Wolfram Recital Notre-Dame de Paris (F)
Syré, Wolfram Recital Verden, Dom (D)
Syré, Wolfram Recital Vyskov (PL)
Syré, Wolfram Selections Recital Haarlem, Cathedral St. Bavo (NL)
Syré, Wolfram Selections Recital Germignaga (I)
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Musical eras
In the tradition of P. D. Q. Bach
Harpsichord Works
J. S. Bach goes Cavaillée-Coll
Baroque Danmark
Baroque France
Baroque North Germany
Baroque Central Germany
Baroque Southern Germany / Austria
Baroque Great Britain
Baroque Italy
Baroque Portugal / Spain
Baroque Sverige
Baroque The Netherlands
Classicism France
Classicism Germany / Austria
Classicism Great Britain
Classicism Italy
Classicism Portugal / Spain
Romantic Belgium
Romantic France
Romantic Germany / Austria
Romantic Great Britain
Romantic Italy
Romantic Norway
Romantic Kanton Toggenburg (CH)
Romantik USA / Canada
Syré, Wolfram (* 1950) Organ Works
Syré, Wolfram Recitals
Popular Performances
BWV 704 Fughetta super: Lob sei dem allmächtigen Gott manualiter
BWV 903 “Chromatische” Fantasia et Fuga in d
Vienna March
Sonata per il Vespero No. 4
BWV 626 Jesus Christus, unser Heiland
Aus der Tiefe rufe ich BWV 745
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Dr. Wolfram Syré
Curriculum Vitae